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Are You Ready to Rock?
Let’s Rock On!
No, I’m not referring to a new song or dance. I’m talking about rocking yourself in total comfort If you’re ready to rock in a whole new way, with yourself tucked in, warm and comfy, then jump on this new way of rocking yourself.
This is a rocking-good item you can take almost anywhere! Best of all, it’s affordable and very portable, as mentioned. Use it on your bed, sofa, full-size rocker, chairs, or even airplane seats. Using this portable rocker can immediately change all the above into a comfortable place where you will be ready to rock. Click here to go directly to the product.
It’s Portable! Did I Say Portable?
Did you ever want to be first in anything? Of course! Well, you’ll be thrilled to know that this portable rocker was the world’s first portable rocker. And to add a little frosting to the cake, the world’s first and only patented rocker that’s portable.
This portable rocker is designed in a unique way, and an equally usable size, that allows you to transport it anywhere you travel. How would you like to put it in a regular-size suitcase, that you can carry on?
Did I hear you say, “Yes Please”?
What Kind of Chairs Can You Use With This Portable Rocker?
Keep in mind, this particular review is for the “Adult Use Only” category. Never fear, however. There are other choices of this portable rocker for Children, Juniors… and newborns. These age groups can use these terrific rockers, with adult supervision. This company always stresses safety first, which is a real “PRO” when it comes to your easy decision to purchase.
What kind of chair works best with this portable rocker? Well, lots of chairs you already have in your household will probably work well. The chair must have four legs with a stationary back (NOT a reclining back!!) The portable rocker works best in a chair that has a supportive back in order for the rocker to operate properly.
Getting down to the real facts, if you have the typical seat depths, as in most chairs, all will be well. Of course, if you need a little extra room (deeper seating), that would not be a problem and would do the trick as well.
Tell Me More! OK. Think I Will.
This is a heck of a buy folks! The moment I saw it, this item was an eye-catcher for me. With over 35 years of experience in the furniture industry, I knew the portable rocker was a winner. Choices, more choices, and the most incredible fabrics, colors, guarantees, and the beat could go on.
The whole concept came from, you guessed it, a mother, looking for comfort during her baby-rocking time. Of course, the baby’s comfort came first, and low and behold, came the first patented portable rocker.
* Notice. Although this review is based on adult usage only, the company provides additional selections for children, juniors, and babies as well.
Yes, the beginning of these dreams led to the phenomenal history of this incredible portable rocker. From its infancy to overwhelming success, mothers and caretakers of all kinds, are now enjoying the benefits of this brilliant thought that now has global appeal.
The Pros and Cons to Consider.
As a reviewer, I recommend this item as a wonderful opportunity for you, folks. Being a former furniture store owner, selling lots of stuff for kids and babies, I find these portable rocker choices are truly spectacular, and such a blessing for moms and other caretakers, not to mention the cozy comfort for the little one.
The choices for adults, children, and juniors are equally impressive, and of high quality, as well.
As a tad bit more to add, this product is designed, produced, and packaged in the good old USA and Philippines.
Your Quick Note.
One more thing. I couldn’t find a “Con” to talk about, regarding this gem of a product. So, if you’re ready to rock, just click here for a quick trip to this wonderful brand that I strongly recommend, without hesitation. So, are you ready to rock?
Till next time,
Carson Dane, Founder
Baby Bedding
Baby Bedding For You
There is a near endless array of baby bedding on the market that includes sets that are gender specific and others that can be used for either a boy or a girl.
Baby Bedding You Can Buy
You can buy each piece separately but if you really think about it, it is the most expensive way to go. Just as there are ‘bed-in-a-bag’ sets for adults, they have them for your nursery as well.
A bed-in-a-bag set includes sheets, pillow cases, a comforter, shams, and skirts for adult beds. Bed sets for the baby are the same way. If you are looking to have your bedding coordinate with the theme of your nursery, then purchase sets. You can also purchase single sheets so that you can mix and match your bedding.
When You Are Shopping
When you are shopping for nursery bedding, be aware that the bedding will be separated by fabric, colors, and styles. Your preferences will no doubt influence your purchase. Do you want cotton, flannel, fleece, or silk? Many parents prefer the cotton or flannel fabric because they are less expensive than silk sheets and are easier to clean.
Advantages To Buying Sets
The advantages to buying your bedding in sets is that everything already matches. You won’t be mixing fabrics, colors, or themes. With everything in one bag you can actually change the atmosphere of the room by the bedding sets you purchase.
Be Gender-Specific
It is important that you match your bedding with the gender of your child. For example, you wouldn’t want to saturate your son’s room in pink. In a girl’s room however, it is ok to use blue. Most manufacturers are knowledgeable about current thinking regarding gender and what is believed to be acceptable or not. They tend to know what customers want. You most likely won’t have any trouble finding what you want.
Generally accepted themes for boys’ rooms include airplanes, trucks, or fire engines. Sports is another theme to consider for boys. They are generally designed in bright colors – reds, blues, greens, and oranges.
Themes for girls could include ballerinas, fairies, Barbie, princess, butterflies, or flowers. Girls’ bedding generally comes in softer colors such as pink, yellow, mauve, blue, and teal among others. Girls’ room themes are not limited to the above-mentioned themes.
Non-gender Specific Themes
Non-gender specific themes for bedding include animals, the solar system, favorite characters such as Barney, the Smurfs, Jimmy Neutron, Sponge Bob Square Pants, and others. You also have the option of having your crib bedding custom made.
There is a chance that you might not find just the right pattern you are looking for. If this is the case, you can have someone make bedding with your exact pattern. If you sew, you can create your own bedding sets for your baby. There are even materials in gold and silver to use for your child’s bedding so they can sleep in the lap of luxury.
Bed In A Bag Or More
Crib bedding doesn’t refer to sheets only. You can get bed-in-a-bag as mentioned earlier. You will find a sheet, a baby blanket, and a baby quilt in most sets. If you prefer to buy separate pieces, you can still do that. Most stores have single pieces as well as bedding sets.
As you can see, buying bedding for your baby can be a challenging task. Keep your budget in mind, as well as your preferences. You can create a theme in your baby’s room with the types of bedding you use. You can use character bedding but keep in mind that kids often outgrow certain characters and as your child grows, you will likely have to change your themes.
Carson Dane, Founder
Interior House Design Tips For Small And Larger Homes
Everyone can’t live in a sprawling mansion.
These days it’s more economical to have a smaller space. Just because your home may be on the smaller side, doesn’t mean it has to “feel” that way. Here are interior house design tips and suggestions for large and small rooms…to open up any space.
Think big. It’s not easy but it will get you thinking about ways to change and decorate your home when it is not exactly Grand Central Station. Try a few of these suggestions and see what you think.
1. Get out your paint rollers.
Any decorator can tell you that using deep, dark colors makes a room look smaller. Using lighter colors can make a room seem brighter and larger.
If you already have the eggshell colors that come with most new homes, try a lighter blue shade or a pale yellow. Both colors are cool and calm to the soul. A lighter shade of blue gives the illusion of being outside too!
2. Use smaller pieces of furniture or one large piece.
At one time or another, almost everyone wants a sectional sofa. While it does provide a lot of seating in a living room, it also takes up a lot of space that you might not have in a smaller dwelling. This probably will cause a change in your space decorating ideas.
You can still have a fair amount of seating with armchairs and a love seat.
Forget about the overstuffed furniture as well. It becomes too overpowering, with a look you probably won’t be happy with. A simple love seat works better when you’re working with limited floor space.
3. Choose a hardwood floor or a light area rug.
Dark just means cozy no matter if it is furniture, paint, or flooring. One exception is a hardwood floor; just the echo as you walk across it makes the room feel larger.
For those who can’t afford hardwood floors (those babies don’t come cheap), try laminate flooring that has a hardwood texture. A taupe or beige carpet, (if not in a room to be used by younger children), also adds to the illusion of a larger space.
4. Use open lighting schemes.
Lamps in a room introduce intimacy. If you are trying to make a small space seem larger, use more overhead lighting. Try track lighting, ceiling fans with lights, or chandelier lights. Letting more light in will open every corner of the room.
Keep your curtains and blinds light-colored and easily opened as well. During the day, let the sun shine in through them to help create a positive, wide-open appearance.
5. Create a path through your room.
Bobbing and weaving through furniture and floor lamps says “small.” However you arrange your furniture, create a definite path from one side of the room to the other.
You and your family won’t feel cramped and pressed for space. It sure helps if you have to walk through the room in the dark during the middle of the night too. Bye-bye bruised shins and stubbed toes.
Is space a challenge for you? Use the above suggestions to open up your rooms while making the most of the space that you do have.
6. Cozy Up To a Large Space.
Maybe you are on the other end of the spectrum and have large open rooms in your home. These areas can lack a certain intimacy that every family needs. Learn how to make changes to your decorating scheme to turn a cavern into a cozy corner.
You would think that large rooms aren’t a problem but guess again. The tendency is to fill every corner, but with a larger space, you may run out of items to fill it with. Finding ways to close the gaps is challenging.
7. Let Your Furniture Do Double Duty.
Let’s say that you have a large great room. A few pieces of furniture may not be working for you. The Spartan look isn’t for everyone. Use a sofa or a set of love seats to create smaller spaces within the room.
Place the love seats back-to-back in the center of the room. Each one
represents a separate sitting area.
If the focus of your room is the fireplace, add furniture to frame the focal point. On the other side of the room, place your furniture around a coffee table or the television set.
8. Divide the Area.
Try using dividers. Install a sliding partition in the room. This can be very effective. Be certain that you are not obstructing any doorways or natural entries into the room. This will actually make the room more difficult to enjoy.
Install swinging doors in open doorways to close off areas. Swinging
doors to the kitchen or den allow easy access but clearly separate the
rooms into more defined spaces.
9. Add Unique Touches.
If the room in question is simply an entryway into another room, add
furniture and accessories along the walls to tighten it up.
For long hallways or entryways, a side table and bistro chairs can be used for a quiet place to check messages on your phone or iPad. Wall sconces create a mood over the area that is both intimate and simple.
Large foyers can be scaled down with coat racks, benches, flower
arrangements, and artwork. Even changing the color in the area can make the space seem small and cozy.
Using accessories that are easy to remove and replace is a unique way to define a room.
Add large paintings on the walls to close in the area.
Paintings over the fireplace or a collage of family pictures along the hallway are great ideas. During the fall, replace the pictures with holiday paintings.
Small tables can be moved to fill in dead space in any room. These accent tables can hold flowers, pottery, or a lamp. When it is not necessary anymore, move to another location where it is equally comfortable and needed.
Large spaces are as difficult to manage as small ones. Use some of the interior house design tips in this article to make the best use of such spaces.
Carson Dane, Founder
Furniture Decorating Tips For You
Are you a furniture re-arranger? That is, someone who gets bored with the look of their home or rooms in their home? Do you have to change things up every so often?
Avoid boredom and poor room dynamics with these tips on how to arrange furniture in any room. With the following furniture decorating tips, you won’t believe it could be this easy.
Tip #1 – Start big and work your way down.
When working with furniture, use the largest piece first. It could be a sofa or it might be the entertainment center.
Find a position that is both functional and practical within the room. For example, if you have a short wall in your living room, use something that will fit on that wall without overhang on an open doorway. The largest piece of furniture may have to sit opposite on the longer wall.
Tip #2 – Arrange furniture around a central object. 
This could be a coffee table. Place it in the center of the room and position furniture so everyone could reach the table from their seat.
Now, everyone can have a place for their drinks and a central place to hold a conversation or play a game. Be sure to leave at least five inches of space around the coffee table so you don’t hit it each time you sit or stand.
Tip #3 – Know which way your doors open.
There is nothing worse than having a door that can’t swing freely. Positioning furniture behind a door that opens in is waiting for an accident to happen.
Either the hand of the person in the chair will get smashed or the door will get damaged from always hitting the furniture. Leave doorways open and free of furniture that overhangs into the space.
Tip #4 – Use all the space in the room.
There is no hard and fast rule that says sofas and chairs need to be against a wall. In a large room, you will get an echo effect if you do that.
For family, the seating is too far apart to hold a conversation without shouting. You can group furniture around a central point in your room. For example, if you have a fireplace, you can place two side chairs around it for cozy seating and arrange the sofa and love seat around the television as another sitting area.
Leave space between the walls and furniture. Leaving space between walls and furniture makes small rooms appear large.
How is your furniture arranged?
Use the tips above to find new ways to position your furniture to suit your needs. You might even find when you place your furniture a certain way, you’ll love it so much, there is no need to rearrange in the future.
Decorating mistakes not to make.
Mistakes are a fact of life but that doesn’t have to include home decorating. Knowing what things to avoid can save you both time and money on your project. Here are six decorating mistakes that everyone needs to avoid if they want to create a functional room.
Usually, decorators or friends can tell you, after the fact, what you did wrong. These pointers endeavor to stop you from ever taking that path in the first place.
1. Using too many accessories. 
It is a fact that you can knick-knack yourself to death. Every blank space in your room doesn’t need a bobblehead or a glass figurine.
When you can’t think of what to fill an empty space with, place a chair or a floor vase there until you come up with something better. Refuse to use a stand loaded with collectibles. It’ll be harder to move than the vase when you do find an item for the spot.
2. Throwing pillows all around.
Pillows are fun but can be annoying when you have to throw them on the floor to make room on the sofa.
Now, your room is completely thrown off by the sea of blue, red, and green pillow icebergs all over the floor. That’s not attractive to guests.
Use pillows sparingly and where the room calls for it. Sofas are for sitting and talking or watching television. The occasional family member who wants to sleep can use the arm of the sofa or bring their pillow out for a snooze.
3. Large furniture in the room.
This is okay for a large room that needs to be divided up, but most people get larger furniture than they need. A living room set comes with a love seat, sofa, and probably a side chair. You don’t have to use all three pieces in your living room, especially if it is too small for them. Measure the dimensions of the room (bedroom, bathroom, family room, and living room) before purchasing furniture to be sure it will fit.
4. Heavy curtains to block the light.
There are other methods for blocking out sunlight besides heavy, dark curtains. During the day, they are not so bad but in the evening when the sun goes down, the room gets dark and small. Instead, use shades that filter light but also help to illuminate the room and provide privacy in the evening hours.
5. Eye-level wall hangings.
It seems like it makes sense to hang pictures and mirrors at eye level. The only problem with this is that they are too close to the back of the head when you sit on the couch.
In the hallway, shoulders can bump them because they are so low.
Hanging items on your wall that are above your head, gives the room the illusion of height. They are also out of the way of little hands and not-so-little elbows and shoulders.
6. The wrong paint color. 
Avoid darker paint hues for a small room. Your space feels even more cramped when you paint with dark colors.
On the opposite side of the coin, keep in mind, large rooms can seem like a cavern with light colors on the walls. Choose a color that brings about the desired effect for your room.
Painting with seasonal colors will see you repainting in no time. Accessorize for a seasonal feel but skip painting for it.
Avoiding mistakes is better than making them in the first place as far as decorating is concerned. If any of these ideas have been on your mind, banish them right away in favor of better suggestions.
Carson Dane, Founder
Child’s Theme Room
As a parent, you definitely want to see your children grow and develop into well-rounded adults who will someday see their own children grow. Did you know all the things that are needed by children that can help them grow and fully express their potential are not totally around them?
You may think you have covered all your bases and you may have. Just in case, I have some suggestions that are completely geared towards providing your child with a lot of goodies for their bedroom. Lots of everything you can find online today.
Especially when it comes to the child’s theme room. You’ll have some surprises and fun with these ideas and perhaps appreciate where I’m coming from.
For example characters such as Spiderman, Superman, and characters that they identify with such as Frozen, Cinderella, and other Disney characters are a start. These are all great theme ideas.
Now one of the next things will be to add a little bit of music in the room. It helps them relax and sleep comfortably.
You can also put items such as little bells on the dressing tables that will tinkle melodiously when tapped. How about adding wind chimes on the windows?
The ideas are endless. Remember, however, that as your children grow, their fancies change. So be sure, if possible, to change their room themes as they grow so they have something new to experience and love.
If you are not sure how to develop a theme in your child’s room, you can search online for professional home décor magazines or affiliates who specialize in furniture plus décor.
These sources are sure to give you advice on the most popular and available themes that could be incorporated in your child’s room, to help express their personality and provide them with the surroundings they’ll love.
Add Life To Your Child’s Room With Unique Wall Décor
“A three-year-old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm”- Bill Vaughn
You can surely add more fun to the lives of your children by providing them with wonderful wall décor for their rooms. A child’s room should be bright and cheerful. It should be airy and should have the warmth that will make the child feel loved and safe.
By selecting appropriate wall décor you can create a welcoming impact in your child’s room. The different types of wall décor that are available for decorating the room include wallpapers and borders, wall murals, art, wall hangings, drawings made by the children themselves, and paintings or portraits of your child. Yes, you can even use their toys to dress up the walls!
Do Ask Your Child’s Opinion
They will love selecting any kind of wall décor as that will make them feel important and they will definitely enjoy having something of their own choice. It will also encourage them to keep the room looking nice and clean.
While selecting the wallpaper and borders, consider the likes of your child, such as their favorite comic character, pet animal, or flowers, so that the walls can be filled with them.
Selecting Wall Art Or Wall Hangings For Your Child’s Room
Consider the base color of the walls, the furnishings, and also the preferences of the child.
Children like being creative and love to experiment. So their drawings, paintings, and other crafts should find their place in the wall design. They should be fixed on the wall so that it gels with the wallpaper theme or wall color and should also stand out to show.
Be sure to provide space for the child to unleash their creativity. This can be achieved by leaving a blank white area on the wall where they can draw or paint as and when they feel so. You can even have the child, along with friends, paint on one of the walls so they can admire their work for days after that.
A child’s mind is a storehouse of fantasy and imagination. They would love to see themselves as one of their favorite TV stars or cartoon characters. You can have pictures of the characters on the walls and have the faces replaced by the child’s face in some of them or even just pictures of the child in different costumes.
As an encouraging parent, you could also find a place for educational charts and pictures that can be used creatively to serve the purpose of learning while being decorative as well.
Add on decorative lampshades and matching curtains, bed covers, and pillow covers that complement the wall décor. This will surely turn your child’s room into an all-time favorite place.
Amazing Wall Paper Ideas For The Child’s Room
Children are known for their creativity and also their strong likes and dislikes. Parents these days have to be extra careful when designing their child’s room. One of the easiest ways to design and decorate their room is to use amazing wallpapers based on their liking, which are easy to put up and replace and also add life to the room.
It would be a good practice to discuss the wallpaper ideas for the room with your child. After all, they will be spending maximum time there and should feel comfortable with the ambiance.
Another important consideration before selecting the wallpaper is to select the base color of the wall which should match with the existing décor or would be fundamental in deciding the other furnishings.
Here Are Some Amazing Wall Paper Ideas
Small children live in a world of fantasy and cartoons. So if you are planning to decorate the room of your child who is under 5 years of age, why not let him or her pick out a wallpaper based on the theme from their favorite cartoon series.
These days it is easy to get wallpapers that contain figures narrating the whole story. For this age group, you can never go wrong with wallpaper having Disney character prints.
If you are planning to decorate your son’s room, then picking out themes based on sports or their favorite TV series should be a good idea. Boys prefer adventure and life in the fast lane. Yes, even when they are in kindergarten! Some children are extremely fond of automobiles, so buying wallpaper prints with cars and trains could be a perfect way to decorate their room.
If sports and adventure is a good fit for the boy, then you may want to select shades of pinks and yellows for decorating the walls of your little angel’s room. Many girls love dolls and Barbie might be their best friend, so if your daughter is one of them, you can select more feminine prints like floral designs, hearts and lovely butterflies for adorning the walls of her room.
How about turning your little girl’s room into a fairy tale castle from Alice in Wonderland or have her enjoy the world of the Little Mermaid princess by selecting appropriate wallpapers?
Some common themes that can be used in the rooms of both boys and girls include wallpapers having patterns related to the wonders of nature or the sea (like whales and dolphins.) If your child has a pet that they adore, then you can even consider buying a wallpaper featuring prints of that animal.
Once you’ve made your choice from the wide selection available, you can get on with the process of sticking the wallpaper in your child’s room. Involve them in all the activities starting with selecting the wallpaper or wallpaper borders, to putting up the wallpaper, which will make the entire process of decorating the child’s theme room fun and exciting.
Carson Dane, Founder
Baby Crib Furniture
“Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were here, I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.” – Maureen Hawkins
Every parent in the world has similar feelings and wants the best things for their babies. But when it comes to shopping for babies, it is not always simple.
That’s because of the variety of products available in the market, with a large variation in price range.
So here are some factors to keep in mind if you are planning on purchasing baby crib furniture.
What About Safety?
It’s not just comfort but safety also, which is of paramount importance when buying a baby crib. There are also standard regulations for the baby crib.
Manufacturers are required to follow these safety regulations while designing baby cribs.
While looking at baby crib furniture choices, look for a crib that is firmly fitted with strong hardware and edges that are finished and polished well. Baby cribs should be of good quality material and it is always advisable to avoid buying cribs made of plastic. When searching for your selection online, many of these suggestions are covered in detail.
Different Types Of Baby Cribs
There are different types of baby cribs available in the market such as single-drop side, double-drop side, fixed, and drop-gate. The drop-side cribs are the latest designs that are available in the market and are being preferred by many as they are convenient for use.
However, some people find these kinds of baby cribs to be risky because of loose fixtures. What I’m referring to are finials, which are usually made from wood or metal. You’re aware of these because they simply screw onto the top at the corners of the crib.
It is always better to check the quality of the fixtures before buying the crib. If you want to ensure higher safety for your child and your peace of mind, it is advisable to purchase a fixed-side crib.
What To Look For In A Crib
You should always try opting for a baby crib that has an adjustable crib mattress height. This allows you the ability to lower the mattress in order to prevent your baby from standing up in the crib and falling over the side.
The mattress support mechanism is another feature you’ll want to look out for while selecting a baby crib. Select a crib with a spring support mechanism for added safety and comfort. That’s easy with the descriptions you will find online.
You can also find baby cribs that make use of plastic straps that attach the mattress to the crib. However, I don’t suggest choosing this option. These should be avoided because with long-term use, these plastic straps could wear out and cause problems. I would be amiss if I didn’t share this with you.
Do you have a large house and like having your baby close? Then you can choose a baby crib with castor wheels.
With this choice, it will be simple to move your baby to wherever you are without much trouble or discomfort.
Where Will You Buy Your Baby’s Crib?
After selecting an appropriate type of baby crib furniture, the next thing you should consider is the place where you will buy it. Online…of course!
A good online baby store is where you will find many of the latest models and good quality baby cribs. There are so many selections available for you to choose from.
Online stores are the best places to shop for baby cribs. There’s a lot of options to choose from, depending upon your taste and budget. Before buying the crib, check all the manufacturer’s information. This will give you peace of mind knowing which are quality products before you buy.
You can take advantage of online baby stores when comparing different makes and types. You may even be able to buy a crib at a discounted price. All of this in the comfort of your own home. Ease and comfort is why so many parents shop online.
How Safe Is The Baby Crib And The Room?
When furnishing your baby’s room with a crib, among the other regular factors like aesthetics, look, comfort and design, the most important factor to consider is how safe is it for your baby in their bedroom.
Once you have this in the back of your mind while furnishing their room, the best thing to look for would be baby-proof furniture to go with the little one’s crib. By doing this, you are making their living space safe and comfortable.
In general, having a baby in your home might give you an insecure feeling because of the various things lying around their room and especially inside their crib. Be careful of putting toys in the crib. There is always a fear that the child will fiddle with something and get hurt. Rather than having to remove a toy after your baby is hurt, provide safety from the beginning by not putting any toys in the crib at any time.
Electrical appliances should be kept out of reach and bare sockets should be covered using external covers to avoid shocks. You may be surprised by the number of items that are reachable from your baby’s crib.
Children and babies spend most of their time in the bedroom so it is compulsory to make the bedroom as safe as possible. Making the crib safe is of prime importance when assembling it.
The mattress used within the crib plays an important role. It should be of superior quality. Be sure that the mattress completely covers the mattress support in the crib in order to provide your baby with safety from getting stuck in between the crib side and the mattress. Dangling objects near the crib should also be avoided.
Don’t forget, as a final reminder, baby safety monitors are available which can be used in their room when you cannot always stay near your baby. In general, the safety of your baby can be enhanced by paying attention to detail while furnishing their room, thereby making it a safe place for them.
I trust you’ve enjoyed these tips for baby crib furniture.
Carson Dane, Founder