Pros and Cons Of Acacia Garden Patio Furniture

In my previous article, I referred you to the types of solid wood patio furniture, which are on my recommendation list.
This time I want to center on Acacia wood. I want this to be a one wood focus, because of the features, pro and con, of this unique wood.

1,100 plus different species exist, but I’m referring to Babul, which is widely used for Garden Patio Furniture.
Without going into the history of this wood, let’s cut to the chase. The tree’s wood (when water-seasoned) is very durable! The hardness of the wood allows a terrific product for manufacturers to construct with. Acacia garden patio furniture made from (babul) is very durable.

I Recommend This As A Great Buy

Babul takes a beating. In other words, heavy-duty support for the big football players, etc. If you’re going to invest in solid wood, this could be your ticket.

Like any solid wood, maintenance is a key. Because of its abundance, it is quite a bit less expensive than other solid woods. This gives you many years, probably a decade or more, of incredible wear.

Have you considered you may only have to invest in this one time? What a way to enjoy top-notch quality without buying something every three or four years! True, it’s one of those no brainer decisions, if quality is what you’ve been searching for.

Acacia Is Not A wood That Scratches Much

If it does need a touch up, now and again, there are some markers available for furniture, that does a great touch up job. Rest assured, there are markers in numerous colors for all wood.

There are even fillers for deeper gouges, should they ever appear. Simply, put the filler in, smooth it, and drop a matching finish on it. Repairs often go unnoticed.

This is the long and very short of acacia garden patio furniture. Check out Google for numerous tips about Acacia.

Child Bunk Beds

Bunk beds have always been an excellent solution to problems of space management, along with ensuring safety and economic value.

Bunk beds are available in various sizes ranging from the standard twin and the twin extra long to the royal king and queen sizes.

Child bunk beds usually come in a range of two heights; standard (66″) and tall (72″). These sizes are designed to allow an additional 6″ of headroom on the lower bunk making it more appropriate for use by adults if required.

Bunk Bed Safety

While choosing a bunk bed for your children there are a few details one should take into account. Bunk bed safety is a main concern.

There are a number of incidents relating to entrapment and strangulation, caused by the beds’ lack of sufficient guard rails, headboards or foot boards. In order to ensure you are making the right choice, always look for an attached safety sticker and a bunk bed’s instruction manual outlining safe usage.

The material used in building the body should consist of solid wood or any other strong durable source. Particle wood does not guarantee toughness and long term usage.

Guardrails should be attached to the entire length on one side, and no less than 17″ on the opposite side. Make sure the ladders are secured properly and are not removable by a child.

Look for a bed which provides ample space at the bottom for your kids to sit or play. This may reduce chances of children wanting to play on the upper bunk, therefore keeping them safe.

What About Availability?

All bunk beds whether custom-made or ready-made, are easily available around the world. There are a number of companies providing delivery service, along with many others who accept online orders.

However, purchasing a bunk bed and other furniture has become very popular when done online. Affiliates ensure that the companies they work with are authorized sellers and a well-established business.

The Changing Needs That Are Catered To

Catering to the changing needs, bunk beds have evolved to become something more than just a simple space-saving sleeping arrangement. They are much more than that.

They are now stylish and elegant. Choices come in a variety of options such as those that come with a petite wardrobe, a study cabinet and sometimes even a dresser.

With the newer attachments and a creative décor, bunk beds are nowadays not restricted only to child use. If your children’s room has space constraints and you cannot really have different beds then pick up some classy bunk beds.

This adds personality to your kids’ room. You can even have them customized to suit your kids’ preferences, the design and size of their room and your budget of course.

What About Loft Beds?

The concept of loft beds have evolved from space constraints that modern homes have. As real estate prices go up, smaller rooms and homes become the norm.

Loft beds definitely fill the need for more efficient utilization of space. One of the most enduring things about them is that they are loved by children of all ages. Children seem fascinated with the idea of having to actually climb into bed.

A loft bed allows a lot of flexibility in planning the space under the bed. This can be used as a work area or storage area with so many drawers and storage combinations possible.

Quite often designing a loft bed becomes a major project in any household. This is especially true if the child is old enough to have his or her own say, and likes things in a certain way.

When the child is younger this space below the loft bed is ideal to store toys and clothes. As the child grows up his requirements change and you may have to make provision for desks.

Perhaps you’ll decide on a lounging area with bean bags which is still incredibly popular and preferred by today’s youngsters. In the long run you can even plan for another bed below the loft bed to serve as a sleeping place for siblings or sleep overs with friends.

Loft beds nowadays are available in all sorts of materials from wood to steel and aluminum. Making that first buy in eco-friendly wood may not be a bad idea.

What About The Size Of The Room?

Ensure that the size of the loft bed that you do go in for will fit into your child’s room comfortably. You need adequate space y when the child has to climb in or out.

Some children’s rooms are in the upper floors and you may have roofs of varying heights. This may make it a constraint for a loft bed. Obviously, a simple measurement will take care of that situation. This is important and makes it easy to order on the internet.

Children’s bunk beds with storage can be true saviors especially with more than one child in the house. They serve the dual-purpose of providing a place for your little one to slumber peacefully and at the same time stock up all the toys in its storage compartments.

These beds are easy to assemble from scratch. A smooth finish ensures safety of the kids and the ease with which they can be assembled and dismantled makes shifting and transport easy if required. Storage beds are of various types and can be chosen, according to the requirement and ease with which they can be used.

A type of storage bed is one where the drawers can be pulled out from underneath the bunk bed. These are generally preferred when the child is growing and is in the process of learning to walk. This type requires adequate space around to enable the drawers to be pulled out.

They cannot be used in places where space is a constraint. The number of drawers and the structure of the internal compartment can vary and could be in the form of a single drawer spanning the entire area of the bed to 3 or 4 drawers dividing the space in an optimum manner.

The next kind of storage bunk bed is the door type where a sliding door is used to access the lower part of the bed and its storage area. This can be used in rooms of smaller sizes and where the space is restricted.

Other types of child bunk beds that have storage, involve drawers arranged on the sides of the bed for storing smaller articles. The purpose remains the same in all the types of storage beds and that is to enable additional storage while maintaining its primary purpose of providing a place for sleeping.

Carson Dane


Storage In A Nursery

Other than money, the only thing that is never sufficient, and makes you want for more, is ‘space’. This is extremely true in cases where you have a baby or children of younger ages.

Do you always feel that the nursery is overcrowded and cramped, even though it may not actually be? Using the room or the living space in an organized manner will work wonders in enhancing the existing space and satisfying your requirements.

Storage in a nursery is an area I’d like to give you a few tips on. There are many possibilities. Let’s take a look.

Storage Tips

The first thing to do would be planning. What will be the space requirements in the nursery for the various basic functions like storage, movement space, play area, etc?

Once this is decided and the available space is analyzed, the next best thing to do would be to allocate optimum space for all these major purposes.

Using some storage ideas for the nursery, you can actually find solutions to all these problems and save space for future expansion as the child grows.

What About Basic Considerations?

One of the basic things that you can do is to fix a wooden plank running through the circumference of the room. Using L joints at the corners, the ‘shelf’ can be used to place toys like stuffed animals and smaller toys.

This serves the dual purpose of improving the aesthetics as well as providing extra space for storage. Painting the shelf with the same color as that of the room makes it blend into the décor of the room. Or, step out of the box and get creative with other paint colors.

How About Plastic Containers?

The next best thing to do is using plastic containers that can store extra clothing, and diapers that are not yet used.

This is especially true if you have no space for a chest of drawers or a larger dresser.

These containers can then be put under the beds where they can’t be seen. This makes it easy to get to when the time comes.

Other measures include using diaper bags to be hung next to the cradle. That is a special place to store the diapers exclusively for future use.

What About Toy Boxes And Storage Beds?

Toy boxes also help in storing the toys when not in use. These toy boxes can then be placed or arranged accordingly so that they occupy less space.

Usage of storage beds also helps to an extent.

When the baby/child has finished playing, the toys and other goods related to the baby, can be stored in the drawers underneath the beds.

I’ve personally suggested this to many parents that have minimal space to deal with. They have been thrilled with this idea to save space.

What About Baby Clothes?

Baby clothes don’t occupy much space, therefore the closet space can be used in a simple way. Many parents put a smaller chest of drawers in the closet, and they are still able to hang babies’ clothes.

Future expansion should also be considered while allocating space. The babies are sure to grow.

Utilizing the space properly is, as previously mentioned, very important. The various ideas mentioned here can reduce the clutter and congestion, providing a healthy space for the baby to grow in.

Toy Storage Ideas for A Neater Home

It isn’t tough to notice the presence of a baby in the house. However, it’s possible you might miss their little chatter. If you do miss their chatter, it’s impossible to miss the clutter of toys spread everywhere around the house.

Try as we might to keep up after them, they have great ways of making a mess. Well, let’s face it, it is a normal behavior practiced by babies around the world… to leave their toys around wherever they play.

In order to reduce your workload and to develop good habits in your babies and children right from their tender childhood, you can show them some fun ways to organize their toys and store them at a specific place. You might make a game of it. “Make it neat, get a treat”, and it doesn’t have to be something to eat.

Here Are Some Different Toy Storage Ideas

They can be used by you to limit the cluttering of toys to a specific place.
A traditional toy box is normally made of wood with a door on the top. The box can be placed against the wall and since these kinds of toy boxes are rigid and strong, normally they can be used as seating as well if required.

The boxes usually have separate compartments in them to store different kinds of toys. These storage chests can last for generations. They can be made more interesting by adding attractive stickers. A wooden box with rollers at the bottom will make it easy for moving around for the kids.

Apart from the wooden chests, there is a wide range of “fashionable” plastic chests. Plastic chests come in multiple colors. Some of them have various compartments to make it easy for the toys to be organized.

To make it more interesting, there are storage chests available in transparent materials. This would be easier to use as the child can locate the toys quickly even without messing up the other toys.

There are various other storage units available, like chests in the shape of balls or cars or even in animal shapes. Kids would definitely enjoy having these boxes and maybe even look forward to the task of putting away their toys once playtime is over.

Simple storage ideas would include wooden or plastic boxes or trays with labels on them like cars, soft toys, balls, and so on. Storage boxes can help save space if they can be pushed under the bed. There are certain storage chests which have a play study table on top of it to color or draw and even paint. They serve a dual purpose.

What if there is no space for a box? Think out of the box again! Even a hammock can be hung along the wall so that the kids can dump toys like dolls, soft toys, or balls in them.
This requires some creative thought and space.

Parents should ensure that the child knows how to use the toy storage boxes safely. A little bit of discipline, some effort, and a good toy storage box will help in making your child responsible, especially if you make it a fun occasion. Your life will get a lot easier and their room will become a lot cleaner.

Carson Dane



Carson Dane, Founder

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Child’s Theme Room

As a parent, you definitely want to see your children grow and develop into well-rounded adults who will someday see their own children grow. Did you know all the things that are needed by children that can help them grow and fully express their potential are not totally around them?

You may think you have covered all your bases and you may have. Just in case, I have some suggestions that are completely geared towards providing your child with a lot of goodies for their bedroom. Lots of everything you can find online today.

Especially when it comes to the child’s theme room. You’ll have some surprises and fun with these ideas and perhaps appreciate where I’m coming from.


For example characters such as Spiderman, Superman, and characters that they identify with such as Frozen, Cinderella, and other Disney characters are a start. These are all great theme ideas.

Now one of the next things will be to add a little bit of music in the room. It helps them relax and sleep comfortably.

You can also put items such as little bells on the dressing tables that will tinkle Chimesmelodiously when tapped. How about adding wind chimes on the windows?

The ideas are endless. Remember, however, that as your children grow, their fancies change. So be sure, if possible, to change their room themes as they grow so they have something new to experience and love.

If you are not sure how to develop a theme in your child’s room, you can search online for professional home décor magazines or affiliates who specialize in furniture plus décor.

These sources are sure to give you advice on the most popular and available themes that could be incorporated in your child’s room, to help express their personality and provide them with the surroundings they’ll love.

Add Life To Your Child’s Room With Unique Wall Décor

“A three-year-old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm”- Bill Vaughn

You can surely add more fun to the lives of your children by providing them with wonderful wall décor for their rooms. A child’s room should be bright and cheerful. It should be airy and should have the warmth that will make the child feel loved and safe.

By selecting appropriate wall décor you can create a welcoming impact in your child’s room. The different types of wall décor that are available for decorating the room include wallpapers and borders, wall murals, art, wall hangings, drawings made by the children themselves, and paintings or portraits of your child. Yes, you can even use their toys to dress up the walls!

Do Ask Your Child’s Opinion

They will love selecting any kind of wall décor as that will make them feel important and they will definitely enjoy having something of their own choice. It will also encourage them to keep the room looking nice and clean. Mickey Mouse

While selecting the wallpaper and borders, consider the likes of your child, such as their favorite comic character, pet animal, or flowers, so that the walls can be filled with them.

Selecting Wall Art Or Wall Hangings For Your Child’s Room

Consider the base color of the walls, the furnishings, and also the preferences of the child.

Children like being creative and love to experiment. So their drawings, paintings, and other crafts should find their place in the wall design. They should be fixed on the wall so that it gels with the wallpaper theme or wall color and should also stand out to show.

Be sure to provide space for the child to unleash their creativity. This can be achieved by leaving a blank white area on the wall where they can draw or paint as and when they feel so. You can even have the child, along with friends, paint on one of the walls so they can admire their work for days after that.

A child’s mind is a storehouse of fantasy and imagination. They would love to see themselves as one of their favorite TV stars or cartoon characters. You can have pictures of the characters on the walls and have the faces replaced by the child’s face in some of them or even just pictures of the child in different costumes.

ABCs chartAs an encouraging parent, you could also find a place for educational charts and pictures that can be used creatively to serve the purpose of learning while being decorative as well.

Add on decorative lampshades and matching curtains, bed covers, and pillow covers that complement the wall décor. This will surely turn your child’s room into an all-time favorite place.

Amazing Wall Paper Ideas For The Child’s Room

Children are known for their creativity and also their strong likes and dislikes. Parents these days have to be extra careful when designing their child’s room. One of the easiest ways to design and decorate their room is to use amazing wallpapers based on their liking, which are easy to put up and replace and also add life to the room.

It would be a good practice to discuss the wallpaper ideas for the room with your child. After all, they will be spending maximum time there and should feel comfortable with the ambiance.

Another important consideration before selecting the wallpaper is to select the base color of the wall which should match with the existing décor or would be fundamental in deciding the other furnishings.

Here Are Some Amazing Wall Paper Ideas

Small children live in a world of fantasy and cartoons. So if you are planning to decorate the room of your child who is under 5 years of age, why not let him or her pick out a wallpaper based on the theme from their favorite cartoon series.

These days it is easy to get wallpapers that contain figures narrating the whole story. For this age group, you can never go wrong with wallpaper having Disney character prints.

If you are planning to decorate your son’s room, then picking out themes based on sports or their favorite TV series should be a good idea. Boys prefer adventure and life in the fast lane. Yes, even when they are in kindergarten! Some children are extremely fond of automobiles, so buying wallpaper prints with cars and trains could be a perfect way to decorate their room.

If sports and adventure is a good fit for the boy, then you may want to select shades of pinks and yellows for decorating thePainted handprints walls of your little angel’s room. Many girls love dolls and Barbie might be their best friend, so if your daughter is one of them, you can select more feminine prints like floral designs, hearts and lovely butterflies for adorning the walls of her room.

How about turning your little girl’s room into a fairy tale castle from Alice in Wonderland or have her enjoy the world of the Little Mermaid princess by selecting appropriate wallpapers?

Some common themes that can be used in the rooms of both boys and girls include wallpapers having patterns related to the wonders of nature or the sea (like whales and dolphins.) If your child has a pet that they adore, then you can even consider buying a wallpaper featuring prints of that animal.

Once you’ve made your choice from the wide selection available, you can get on with the process of sticking the wallpaper in your child’s room. Involve them in all the activities starting with selecting the wallpaper or wallpaper borders, to putting up the wallpaper, which will make the entire process of decorating the child’s theme room fun and exciting.

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Carson Dane, Founder

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