I’ve had a career which has spanned over thirty-five years in the furniture industry. In some form or fashion it involved kids furniture. It was always extremely enjoyable working with the entire family when buying kids’ furniture became a reality.
The excitement of seeing the family make choices that were practical, cost-effective, comfortable and in the style they enjoyed, satisfied everyone involved. I look forward to helping you with sound decisions when choosing furniture for kids.
I trust you will enjoy looking at our furniture for kids article and the tips we share with you.
What to consider for the kids
Safety comes first when it comes to kids furniture. It’s important for you to know that the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act was established to protect children under 12. There are stiff, stringent production guidelines that manufacturers must follow.
Products that can cause a hazard are a no-no! Durability is important to the Consumer Products Safety Commission and so it should be. Without a doubt, it’s just as important for parents. I’m sure you’ve seen many recall notices on kids furniture over the years. The industry truly is sticking closely to the guidelines set up.
Practically speaking, parents place themselves as the number one protectors when it comes to furniture safety for their children. So does our government and manufacturers of their products. This should set the minds of parents at ease.
However, if you have a question about a product before or after buying, don’t be afraid to contact the manufacturer. It’s the best thing you can do. Due diligence goes a long way.
Safety for children is important to us all, isn’t it? Of course!
When they play, safety is at bay, simply meaning, they don’t think about it when jumping up and down on sofas, chairs, beds, etc.
It’s not “If” they will fall, but “When”.
That’s why the extra durability precautions that are taken in the manufacture, construction and production phases of well- made furniture can make the difference in a child getting seriously hurt or not.
Be sure the furniture is well-built, and very strong. If there is any place they can crawl in and out of, they will. When the opportunity comes to jump on something that looks fun, they’re all in for that as well.
You’ve heard of handing out punishment? Kids do this extremely well when it comes to mattresses and furniture.
Kids will be kids, right? Buy kids’ furniture with strength and high quality. Hey. You’ve been down that road before, right?
I trust you agree with what I’ve said, so be sure to trust in your choice of manufacturers as well.
Upgrading furniture for kids
You want something new for your kids? Let me guess. I have no doubt that the bedroom comes to mind first, right? Do they have chairs that are thread bare, beds with three legs, chest of drawers that are hard to open, or worse yet, you have to jam them shut?
Do they have a room that screams, “Don’t go in there!” You’re ready for a change. Obviously these are major rooms that the kids spend time in. They get lots of use.
Kids, both boys and girls, have different likes in style and color when it comes to furniture. They each have their preferred look. Indulge them with your support and direction when final decisions are made.
My years in the market have shown, not surprisingly, girls like pretty, soft-colored furniture. Classics which include white finishes are very common. Beauty is a mainstay for girls as a whole. Gorgeous designs that make the room pop out, make the girls’ eyes pop out as well! They love nice things. Like Mom, like daughter!
The boys? Well, boys will be boys. The rough and tough bunk beds or single beds with sports memorabilia tattooed around the room is what they like. Or perhaps technical or computer games and other goodies to complement their “guy thing”.
Bulkier looks for beds, dressers and chest of drawers is pretty normal for boys but not necessary. Comfort is the key for them; beauty is not their cup of tea. Decor is not on their high priority list.
A work desk for studies is a great addition for both kids. Obviously, a very comfortable chair to go along with the desk is a good choice.
Perhaps a couple of bean bag chairs would be useful when the kids have friends over and they need a place to plop down.
Sharing a room can be tough, not so much in the baby and toddler stages, but definitely as they grow. If a single room is necessary, a privacy divider can be a great asset.
Should the room be large enough, your decision on privacy and furniture to suit each child becomes somewhat easier. With a large-enough room, both kids can have a separate space with their own choices.
Your choices of furniture for kids
Have you ever tried to surprise your children with something you knew they would love? You had no doubts. None. Zero. You gave it to them. Not the reaction you were expecting? Oops! You’ve been down that road, yes?
Involve your children when picking out their furniture. They are the ones who live with it. This makes them happy!
It allows them to be in on a good decision-making process. Choosing furniture for their own special space is a very exciting time for kids. Let them have at it with your own special input to help them. Your guidance and practicality will be appreciated.
Ask the children questions in order to help guide them in their thought process.
- What is their favorite color of furniture? Perhaps it’s a wood finish instead of painted tones.
- Who is their comic hero? Lots of furniture incorporates movie or character themes.
- What kind of bed would they like? Something shaped like a vehicle or a more classic choice.
- What would their “perfect bedroom” look like?
Space for furniture
The size of rooms calls for unique spacing of furniture for kids. If the room is too small for a complete bedroom set, creativity comes to the forefront. Beds with drawers underneath is a great way to go. Bunk beds with built-in storage create wonderful opportunities in small room areas.
There are a multitude of space-saving storage possibilities to help overcome small areas.
Sharing about furniture for kids
Purchasing furniture for kids will be an exciting adventure for the entire family. This will be a great project to enjoy together.
We’ve covered what to consider, upgrading furniture, choices for furniture, and space requirement, all of which are areas of importance when you are choosing furniture for kids.
There are many things to consider before you make final decisions. What warranties does the manufacturer of kids furniture offer? Are extended warranties offered? Yes, there is an investment for this type of warranty. Is the quality of the product substantial?
I trust all goes well in your venture and you are always welcome to ask me questions or make comments.
I’ll be happy to guide you any way I can.
Carson Dane, Founder